Cards of The Magi/Cards of Destiny
Cards of Destiny is a fixed , Ancient Oracle system based on Mathematics- ( unlike the Tarot, we get the same sequence of "cards" for a given time cycle. Time Specific, this system can be used for Past, Present or Future dates ).
Knowing one's Birth "Card' and "Personal Significators"- the four 'compass points' for your personal 'wheelhouse' will guide you in your life. Uncannily accurate to describe your personality strengths and weaknesses.( We all have them!). We can look at re.occuring periods which are best used for certain endeavors. We can look at your Personal Days of the week: ( this information doesn't change-, unlike Tarot- it's fixed information!)
*Relationship Themes and how to navigate them.
*Family dynamics- who is your child and how do they affect both you and your relationship with your spouse.
*Names and Places- is their essence / vibration a good one for you now ?
* Basic Astro-Cartography services: know energetic themes where you are living, thinking to visit or move.
Often people have a yearly "Solar Return"/ Birthday reading to hear the 'Headlines' and themes for your personal New Year- this can be done at any time.